Years of Service
Past Courses
Current Courses

What teaching FACS means to me!


As a FACS Teacher, I hope to inspire, encourage and love each and every student that enters my classroom.  I hope to create a learning environment that supports all types of learners and promotes students to grow a deeper understanding of themselves and those around them.  I will continue to promote the importance of family, children and the community in hopes that my students will continue to explore the beauty of FACS.


– Morgan Groff

My Classroom


It is important to me that I bring fun into my classroom every day.

If the students are having fun and engaged in the lesson they will be more likely to retain the information that is being provided to them!

Flexible Seating:

I use flexible seating in my classroom because I feel that students are more engaged when they have a choice- I give my students the opportunity to choose from a variety of options such as cafe style seating, couches, bucket chairs, lounge chairs, stools and carpets.  By giving students the freedom to choose their seat I create an environment where they are expected to work & be engaged.


Student Centered Learning:

I use student centered learning in a variety of ways in my classroom, because I feel that it is important for students to have control over their own learning experience.  When you have students participate in student led learning you are giving them the knowledge and providing an environment for them to engage in a deeper understanding on their own.


Love & Respect:

Love and Respect is the foundation for my classroom! I preach this to my students and live by my motto every day, “If you do not take anything away from my class, you will leave knowing you are loved!”  I believe that by providing a safe, loving environment for my students creates a desire to learn!